A Brief History of Meherrin Baptist Church
Meherrin Baptist Church has a rich history that dates back to 1729 and was established as "Parker's Meeting House" by the Rev. Joseph Parker. With the aid of neighbors and friends he erected the first house of worship in 1735, which was dedicated to the worship of God. We are the second oldest Baptist Church in North Carolina. Meherrin Baptist Church has the distinction of being the birthplace of the North Carolina General Meeting of Correspondence (1803), which merged into the Baptist State Convention. In March, 1808, the general meeting was held in this church and again in May, 1813. In October, 1842, its offspring, the North Carolina Baptist State Convention held a memorial meeting at Meherrin Baptist Church.
Meherrin is the mother church to many of the churches in our area. Through the years, God has blessed Meherrin with men and women of vision. who have provided inspired leadership. Throughout our community Meherrin is well known for its loving and caring church family. We are proud of our past and excited about our future.
1775 - 1915
1915 - 1953
1995 - Present