Welcome to our Nursery & Preschool Ministry at Meherrin Baptist Church. We seek to provide a safe, Christian atmosphere for the youngest members of our church family. Our children's ministry volunteers follow our church-wide Children's Ministry Policy and complete an approval process prior to serving. We hope that our loving care of children will allow parents to participate in a wide range of opportunities available here at Meherrin Baptist Church.
(Babies and Toddlers)
For families with young children (newborn thru their third birthday) who attend during our Sunday School hour or Worship Service, our nursery volunteer team wants to give your family an excellent experience. Our nursery is located at the back of the church behind the sanctuary. We keep our nursery room ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys.
- We'll check in your child by getting your contact information and ask things such as what allergies your child may have and how many children are in your family.
- You and your child will both be given a sticker with matching codes. You'll use this sticker to pick up your child from the nursery after the service.
- You will also be given a pager that will allow us to reach you if necessary.
(Ages 3 to 5 years old)
SUNDAY SCHOOL: The Sunday School class for children ages 3 to 5 years old is located on the lower level in the back of the church, corner room on the parking lot side. Our Sunday School teachers strive to help children build trusting relationships and feel a sense of belonging by reaching out in love and understanding as they teach God's Word.
TEAM KID: TEAM KID features teaching Bible truths and fun activity-based learning while helping your children grow to be more like Jesus. Children ages 3 to 5 years old attend our Worship Service and are dismissed with their Team Kid leaders after the singing of the Doxology. Team Kid meets in the same room as the 3 to 5 year old Sunday School classroom. Parents pick up their child from Team Kid following the Worship Service.